Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas and 9002 far

I don't know where this post will go but I do have some things on my mind. Here's some Christmas music to begin with...It's Christmas Time. For you mac users here's a non-streaming mp3 file of the same song.

Tammy, Rachel and I exchanged gifts with each other on Friday night as we had family coming in the next day and it would be the only chance we'd have to spend some time alone together...if that makes sense. I could go into detail about what we got each other but that would be like forcing somebody to sit through a slide presentation of a family I won't. We had Tammy's parents and sisters and their families over for dinner on Saturday evening. Tammy did a great job of putting it all together. I helped where i could without getting in the way. We also went to church that night as Hosanna had a service the evening before Christmas Eve. that worked well for me because I had to work last night and wouldn't be able to make it to church otherwise. It was a full weekend and everybody enjoyed themselves...what more could we ask for?

My family on the other hand isn't so unified at the moment...nor has it been since our reunion back in August...(ready my post here) I'm speaking with my mother again but there is still a chill and I'm not feeling very compelled to do much about it. I feel very let down by an older brother, an older sister and a younger brother. I got a Christmas card from my older sister who orchestrated the meltdown within my family. In the card was another smaller card with my name on it and some sort of Catholic prayer instructing me to let go of the hate in my heart. hmmm...I wasn't aware that I was the one spewing hate filled jabs at people at the reunion. Claudia owns that and to try and put that on me is just more of the same from her. I'm filled with frustration for what she's done to our family but certainly not hate. Tammy and I were talking this morning about how much nicer it is that we've distanced ourselves from her drama and manipulations. I hope to never have to deal with her again. That's not hate's self's about not allowing somebody into your life who has nothing positive to offer and is only concerned with getting people to sit in her mud puddle of a life with her.

This is really a bummer to be writing about such stuff on Christmas day...I'm sorry. I don't write in here often enough so some of the bad gets mixed in where there should be mostly good.

Yesterday I reached my upwardly revised riding goal of 9000 miles on the road for 2006. I began the year with a goal of 7500 which was going to be an effort on its own but with the addition of my new ride and a renewed love of riding I reached for a distance I've never covered in a year. I'm a bit tired and should probably take it easy for the next couple months. I certainly don't want to burn out but more importantly I don't want to develop an overuse injury.

Tammy worked the day shift today and after work is driving her parents and sister home to northern Minnesota. she'll stop in Duluth to drop off Cindy then continue on to Babbitt where she'll spend the night with her folks before returning home tomorrow. It's been a very busy week for her. I'll be glad when we get back to a more normal schedule so she can catch her breath. We've got the Bodeans planned for Friday night at the Fineline Music Cafe in mpls. I suppose this is where I should insert a rant about Ticketmaster but what's the use. We'll meet Scott and Judy for dinner at Hardrock Cafe downtown and see the concert together. Tammy also has a friend from work who will be meeting us for the show. Scott and I used to get together several times a year but that was 10 years ago. Since we've both remarried we seldom see each other any more. I think the last time we got together was for their wedding 5 years ago. It will be nice to see them again. This will be my 6th time seeing the Bodeans...I think. It could be more. They never put on a bad show and the venue they're at is very intimate.

I've been hanging out at the Serotta forum for the past while...lots of knowledge there as it receives a large volume of traffic.


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